Thursday, August 23, 2007

Who'da thunk it?

Let me expound on why I think embryology is so amazing. Embryology is the study of this case, human development. I'm not sure how many people realize that all of our organs don't just come to being as they are found when we are adults. Cells form organs, connect in places, twist, turn, move up and down, and miraculously, a good majority of babies are born "normal."
I was studying tonight and just wanted to share with everyone (all 3 of you that read this) a crazy possibility. A babies developing kidney is known as the mesonephric duct, which originally drains into the cloaca. The cloaca, which is like a wasteland, will divide into the urogenital part and rectal part, so now we have urine and poop covered. The urogenital part is continuous with the allantois which, as many will know, is where the umbilical cord is (belly button after birth). Eventually the allantois will constrict, called the urachus, and form a ligament that connects the bladder and the belly button. Here's the big finale...there is a rare condition known as a urachal fistula where the urachus remains patent or open (never constricted), which will allow urine to escape through the belly button! You can leak urine through your belly button...ha!
Isn't is amazing how many babies are born without these conditions?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Our Babies

Since i don't update this enough, I'll hold you over with some cute pictures of our babies. Enjoy!

Cheryl said "sit," so Jonnie, plopped down and started to kiss!

Monday, August 13, 2007


this is going to be a quick one. I stumbled upon this group the other day and really liked their song. This is the video, but a little background first. I'm careful not to recommend a band that, I don't feel, respresents something against God or Christianity, so when I listened to this song and felt that there was a Christian underone, I wanted to check it out. They aren't under a Christian label, however, the lead singer went from being "an athiest who was depressed with suicidal tendencies to and outspoken Christian." She talks about how she wants her music to show people that there is a Hope to look towards during difficult times. Anyway, I really liked the song and wanted you guys to check it out and let me know what you think. You can look them up on youtube to watch/listen to some other songs.