Survey Says...
Let's see what everyone thinks of me. No, I'm not being narcissistic, I just thought this would be funny. We were given a welcome packet way back at orientation, and it had this cartoon in it. I stumbled across it and thought it would be funny to share; let's see which one of these 12 options I most closely resemble...according to the 5 people that read this. Although this is a cartoon, there is definitely some truth to it. We'll see what the majority thinks, then we'll test it against what Cheryl thinks. There is only 1 rule to this...since i'm sure most won't want to lump into one category, you CAN select two. I think you should provide a brief explanation of why you selected them.
Sorry if the text is small, if you zoom in a little you should be able to read them. I have tough skin so bring it on!!
Sorry if the text is small, if you zoom in a little you should be able to read them. I have tough skin so bring it on!!
Ok - this was difficult because I do think you fall into a couple of categories, just not as drastically as they make them out to be. So I did narrow them down to 2.
You are definately the "Prankster" and I do not think this needs any explanation. I also think you are the "one-track mind". You are not quiet that bad, but when you get in the zone that is where you are. . .You are capable of making plans for the weekend if you think you have time to do something:) That is my opinion
I'm doing this without reading the other comment. It was hard to pick just two - so I'd like to lump the Painfully Enthusiastic in with the 12 year old. I wouldn't say you are painfully enthusiastic, but you are enthusiastic, like having to call someone (who happened to be me) to tell about your first real pelvic exam. And you did label one of your blogs, "So I'm twelve years old. . ." about the prostate exam.
The other one would have to be one track mind. 99.9% of the time when I call you I anticipate you saying that your studying. Not only do you have a one track mind about med school, but a one track mind when it comes to your dogs! You could talk about them forever. And while we're on that, you probably talk about them more to us because we wouldn't have any idea what you were talking about if you started talking about what you're learning in Med School. Regardless, I'm so proud of you!
I think you are the one track mind kind of person. Not in a bad way. If my doctor was examining me and kept getting distracted bu the shinny thing on the wall.... i'd be a little worried. Even when you were dating Cheryl...she was what took up all your thoughts. I hope you have a great day studying... and i will see you in a week
Mom & Dad siad We cant read them because of our small old busted outdated computer screen.
OK, so I agree with Jess, but I decided that before I read the comments. I think you are painfully enthusiastic because of how excited you were about your first pelvic exam, yes I heard that story. I also think that you are the one track mind, which is a good thing because everytime Jess calls you it seems like you are studying for something. I am glad that these are the two that chose, if you were the crier I would have issues!!!
One track mind. I've called you so many times to find you studying. Of course, while I was spending all my time being the prankster you were buckling down on your "one-track" way to medical domination. Go you.
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