Monday, November 03, 2008

2 in 1 day?

Most people already know that i recently was able to upgrade my computer. Because of school, my computer is my lifeline and the good 'ol VAIO just wasn't cutting it. So now i am a proud owner of a MacBook Pro. That's right, i am no longer held down in the world of Windows, i have moved on! Anyway, the day after i got it, we had a little fun with the built in camera. Stupid but fun!

Army 10 Miler 2008

A few weeks ago, cheryl participated in the Army 10 miler in Washington D.C. She ran in it last year and had a lot of here is round 2. It was also a good time for us to meet up with our buds "the clark's", cheryl's friend anna was also running in the race. enjoy

Game face

little pre-race ispiration...i told her she had to run it at a pace 10 seconds faster than what her goal was ;) which she did!

the runners...that's our friend Anna and her dad

lost of people running

Almost there! just another 25 yards to go...and look at the smile! 10 miles at a 9:24 pace...way to go.

Ah...all finished. The trains smelled so bad on the way home.
Here's my update you pains in the neck!